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Executive Elections
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Jackson  Miller
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Lauren Palmer

As a dedicated and driven individual, I am honored to present my candidacy for the position of Dalhousie Commerce Society (DCS) President. My journey with the society began in my first year of university, where I quickly found my passion for the council and the vibrant community within the DCS.


In my first year, I took on the responsibility of Movember Chair, organizing and leading initiatives to raise awareness and funds for men's health. This experience not only showcased my organizational skills but also ignited my enthusiasm for contributing to the betterment of our community.


As a Second-year Representative, I actively listened to the concerns and ideas of my peers, ensuring their voices were heard within the society. This role strengthened my ability to advocate for the needs of the members, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment.


Currently serving as the Corporate Relations Representative, I have developed valuable connections with external partners and sponsors, bridging the gap between the academic and professional spheres. This experience has equipped me with a strategic mindset and an understanding of the importance of fostering relationships for the benefit of our society.


My academic focus as a major in finance has provided me with a solid foundation for understanding the complexities of the business world. Combining my academic knowledge with my practical experiences within the DCS, I am poised to lead with integrity, innovation, and a commitment to the growth and success of our members. As Dalhousie Commerce Society President, I am eager to continue building on our achievements and fostering a dynamic community that empowers every member to thrive.

Hi everyone! My name is Lauren Palmer, and I am running to be your next DCS President for the upcoming 2023/2024 school year!

Since coming to Dal, I have held positions in many different societies.

My current roles include:

  • Co-President - Dalhousie Accounting Society (DAS)

  • Financial Administrator - DCS

  • Voting Member - DSU Grants & Scholarships Committee

  • Voting Member - DSU Budget & Finance Commitee

Previous roles:

  • Assistant Vice President Internal - DAS

  • 1st and 2nd year Events Representative - DCS

  • Recreation Coordinator - Shirreff Hall Student Council

  • Lower Year Representative - DAS

I love working with societies (clearly from the above lists). 

From my first day, I’ve been involved. I have experience in almost every sector and have seen a million different issues. I know what to expect and I know how to fix them.

But more importantly – I know what Commerce is. I’m a Commerce Student first. 

My earliest class is 10:05am because I’m not making it to an 8:35am. 

I’ve written down the formula for profit MANY times (total revenue – total expenses, I know it).

One time I took a nap in one of the study rooms on the 4th floor (don’t ask for a picture).

All this to say - 

  1. I know how to do this

  2. I love being a commerce student

  3. I love having fun

Please reach out to me (@ren_palmer) I’d love to chat about any concerns, comments, or questions you may have regarding any aspect of commerce.

VP Events
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Olivia Robertson

My name is Olivia Robertson, and I am a third-year commerce student majoring in Marketing. I am running for the role of VP of Events for the 2024/25 academic year!  Currently, I am a Marketing Assistant for the Dalhousie Commerce Society bringing a solid understanding of how this organization works as well as what goes into planning events, which I believe would make me an exceptional candidate for this role. In addition to working with the DCS I also recently started a job with Red Bull which provides me a path to easily network with businesses in Halifax as well as the opportunity to further our sponsorship relationship between them and the DCS. 


Volunteerism and philanthropy have played a big part in my academic and professional life as I am passionate about helping others. As the External Communications Director for the Happy Human Project, I was provided the resources to strengthen my skills in community engagement.


I am an outgoing individual who loves bringing people together and I take pride in my ability to easily forge relationships which makes me a natural leader. If I am the successful candidate, I promise to plan fun and inclusive events that appeal to all members of the Dalhousie Commerce Society and continue to grow our presence within the community at large. 

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Kellyn Golding

My name is Kellyn Golding, I am a third-year commerce student majoring in  marketing, and I am excited to be running for the position of VP of Events on the  Dalhousie Commerce Society for the upcoming 2024/2025 school year! 


I bring to the Commerce Society an unequaled level of passion and knowledge. Currently, being very experienced as having been a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-year events  representative, provides me with an exceptional level of knowledge and history,  making me a highly experienced candidate for this roll. 


My commitment here at Dalhousie extends beyond the Commerce Society. I was a  1st year representative on the Women in Business Association (WIBA) and I am  currently a marketing associate on the Dalhousie Sports Business Society (DSBS). In addition to taking on these roles, I was also a recipient of the 2023 Dalhousie  Commerce Society Scholarship demonstrating my dedication and service to the DCS. 


Through these roles, I have gained a wealth of knowledge and with that, I bring a  fresh perspective to the role. I am very familiar with all aspects of The Commerce  Society, specifically the events side, and what is required to execute them  successfully. I have many new ideas and initiatives that I will bring to the society that  will further enhance the success of the DCS and the involvement of its members. I  have worked hard the past three years for the DCS, and I am proud of what I  achieved. I am excited for what the future holds!

VP Academic
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Ashley Pacheco

Hello Dalhousie Commerce Students! My name is Ashley Nicole Pacheco. I'm a committed international student from Bermuda running for the 2024/2025 DCS VP Academic position. I am a third-year Bachelor of Commerce student majoring in accounting. 


As a seasoned leader, I held various influential roles, such as a Phi Theta Kappa member, Prefect, VP Public Relations, and Student Council VP. Throughout these positions, I was able to hone my ability to actively listen and engage with the student body, becoming a voice for my peers. This priceless experience has increased my desire to develop a solid relationship between students and academic groups.


My goal is to provide an atmosphere that promotes candid dialogue and teamwork. I hope to be involved in a university where students are connected, supported, and heard. I'm committed to carrying on with the management of the mentoring program as a mentor for the Winter 2024 semester. This entails giving mentors and mentees direction, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.


During my time in Halifax, I immersed myself in the academic community by actively attending a couple DCS meetings. These encounters changed my life and gave me new perspective on the critical influence the DCS has. My comprehension of the organization's importance has been enhanced by this exposure, which has fueled my desire to actively participate in my role as DCS VP Academic.


I would be extremely honored and grateful to represent the student body as the DCS VP Academic for the 2024/2025 year.

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Charlie Stephens

My name is Charlie Stephens, and I am running to be your VP Academic for the 2024/2025 academic year. 


After involvement in DCS and umbrella societies positions over the years, I am excited to take on a new role and support the academic growth of the Commerce program. 


Over the years, I have immersed myself in a variety of extracurriculars that have provided me with some of the best experiences in my academic career. Participating in the PepsiCo First Year Case Competition, the Halifax Innovation Challenge, and winning the Dalhousie 

International Business Case Competition has shown me the significant benefits that students can derive from academic events. Additionally, my time working on the events portfolio has given me insight into society operations, and provided me with a foundation of skills to thrive in an executive position. 


In the upcoming academic year, I have 3 key goals as VP Academic: 

1. Enhance the Faculty of Management Mentorship Program 

2. Introduce and carry out new academic events 

3. Relay student feedback to faculty and administration 


Achieving these goals will foster a supportive, engaged academic community, where Commerce students are empowered to thrive personally and professionally. 


I would love the opportunity to represent the student body, and help make a positive change!

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Calantha D'souza

Hey Dalcomm students!

I’m Calantha and I’ll be standing for VP academic for the year 2024-2025. I’m an international student from India, born and raised in Dubai, UAE. 

Since my first year, way back in 2021, I’ve been a part of DCS. Starting with the role of an international student rep, followed by mentor-ship chair and currently as DCS senate caucus rep. With each of my responsibilities, I was able to gain exposure to something different. These positions have really deepened my understanding of the society. 


Additionally, having been an active part of the “Together at Dal” mentorship program, allowed me to gain experience as both a mentor and mentee. I aim to build upon the success of Dalcomm's mentorship program, fostering continuous improvement.


Case competitions are a significant part of a business student’s experience. It’s one of the things that define us, and I’m determined to boost participation. I believe the DalComm student body is brilliant and success in these competitions will fuel our ambition. My success in securing co-ops is primarily attributed to my active involvement in Case Competitions, and I am eager to share this valuable knowledge with my peers. 


As a student, my goal is to ensure that all our concerns are acknowledged and addressed by the faculty. You can always reach out to me (@calanthadsouza) for any questions you may have. 

If given the opportunity, I look forward to implementing my many plans for the 2024/25 academic year!

VP Internal
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Beth Langille

My name is Beth Langille, and I am running for VP Internal for DCS for the 2024/2025 school  year. I am pursuing a major in marketing and a minor in economics and consider myself a driven  student with a passion for marketing and communications! I am from rural Nova Scotia, so I  know our beautiful city of Halifax very well.  


I have completed two co-ops in marketing, communications and public relations which have enabled me to develop strong communication skills demonstrated in press releases, campaign  creation & execution and through social media content development. As a commerce student, I  have been involved with the Commerce Society as a general member since my first year, in  2021. I have also been involved with WIBA over my years at Dalhousie, which has allowed me  to expand my network of fellow emerging businesswomen.  


In the upcoming school year, my goal is to enhance Dalhousie Commerce Society’s transparency as a society, and as a parent to many umbrella societies. Having this opportunity, I will ensure  opportunities for communication between the executive team and its general membership base. I  also plan to continue the strong relationships between DCS and its umbrella societies to ensure  informational events and event collaboration are high priority. It would be an honour and a joy to  serve as your VP Internal for the 2024/2025 school year!

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Shrina Shah

Hello Everyone,  

I'm Shrina Shah, and I'm thrilled to be running for VP Internal for the 2024/2025  academic year. As an international student from India majoring in Marketing, I've  embraced the vibrant life here at Dalhousie and am eager to contribute to our  community in a meaningful way. 


My journey here began with a deep dive into various societies like WIBA and  RMA. But the role closest to my heart has been leading the Dalhousie Cultural  Event Society as its President. Organizing festival events for our international  students has not only been rewarding but also a learning curve that has prepared  me for the VP Internal role. 


My vision as your VP Internal is to foster a more inclusive and connected  community at DCS. I believe this role is not just about administrative duties; it's  about connecting with each one of you, understanding your needs, and ensuring  that the Dalhousie Commerce Society is a supportive, dynamic, and inclusive  environment for all. “I plan to initiate new programs that bridge cultural gaps,  encourage student involvement, and enhance our academic and social  experiences.” My focus will also be on expanding the scope of our society events  to include more diverse cultural celebrations, ensuring that every student feels  represented and celebrated. 


I am committed to bringing a fresh perspective, fueled by my international  background and my passion for marketing. My goal is to not only maintain the  vibrant spirit of DCS but to elevate it, ensuring every student's voice is heard and  valued. 


I would be grateful and honoured to represent the student body as the DCS’s VP  Internal. Thank you very much for considering my candidacy.

VP Marketing
VP Finance
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Alessia Price
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Kyle Griffith

My name is Alessia Price. I am running for the VP Marketing position within the Dalhousie Commerce Society (DCS) for the academic year 2024/2025. DCS plays a pivotal role in fostering connections among students, faculty, and the Halifax community. I aspire to advocate for student engagement in DCS and its affiliated societies, as I believe it contributes to a positive and enriching university experience.


Collectively, through DCS and umbrella society experience I have participated on achieved council positions all three years of my university experience. I have gained various skill sets through my first-year representative and strategic growth coordinator executive position with the Women in Business Association (WIBA) and, furthermore through my second-year representative and marketing assistant position with DCS; my greatest strength is my experience. Some examples of my society experiences that qualify me for the VP Marketing position include, completed PEO training, executed multiple DCS and WIBA events, created a DCS newsletter, aided in DCS social posts and leading the Engineering vs Commerce social media pages.


Additionally, I understand the commitment and teamwork it takes to be a DCS executive, and the importance of synergy between executive, council, and faculty members with Dalhousie students. Through my past and current positions, I have proven to be a team player by lending support to other council members when needed, always being on time and showing up to all meetings and lastly, effectively collaborating with other members and peers. It has been my goal and I have been driven to become the VP Marketing position since my first year at Dalhousie.

As a dedicated and driven individual, I am excited to apply for the Vice President of Finance position at our esteemed Dalhousie Commerce Society. Hailing from Barbados, I bring a unique perspective that enriches our diverse community. My experience as a tennis player for Dalhousie University has not only honed my skills in teamwork and leadership but also instilled in me a strong work ethic and commitment to excellence.


Having demonstrated my financial acumen under the VP Finance portfolio as a Financial Administrator and doing relevant coursework, I am well-equipped to take on the responsibilities of managing the club's finances. My meticulous attention to detail and organizational skills will ensure transparent and efficient financial operations. I am adept at budgeting, financial planning, and resource allocation, skills that are crucial for the success and sustainability of our society.


Beyond technical proficiency, I possess strong communication skills, which are essential for collaborating with club members, sponsors, and other stakeholders. I am committed to fostering an open and inclusive financial environment, where all members feel informed and engaged in the society’s financial decisions.


My passion for our society’s mission, coupled with my background in finance and dedication to teamwork, positions me as a valuable candidate for the VP Finance role. I am eager to contribute to the financial success of our club and work collaboratively to achieve our shared goals. I look forward to the opportunity to further show how my skills and experiences align with the society’s vision and needs.

VP External
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Sage Fry
Leahnae Morton-Richardson Headshot - Nae.JPG
Leahnae Morton-Richardson
Professional Headshot - Elise Malicki - Elise Malicki.jpg
Elise Malicki

I am honored to express my candidacy for the position of VP External with the Dalhousie Commerce Society. With a profound commitment to fostering a positive impact within our university community and a history of successful project management and leadership , I am confident in my ability to excel in this role.


Overseeing charitable events and initiatives has been a passion of mine, demonstrated by my active involvement in numerous community service projects through high school and university. I have consistently demonstrated leadership skills, which is an essential quality for executing and managing successful charitable initiatives. My dedication to making a meaningful difference aligns perfectly with the society's commitment to giving back to the community.


In terms of corporate sponsorships, I have a proven ability to acquire and manage relationships. I have successfully secured sponsorships for previous projects, with effective communication and negotiation skills. This experience positions me well to not only maintain existing corporate relationships but also to expand our network, ensuring sustained support for the society.

I understand the importance of maintaining strong connections with past members, and I am eager to implement strategies that will create long lasting relationships, benefiting both current students and alumni.


In conclusion, my passion for community service and strong communication skills qualify me for the VP External position. If given the opportunity, I am dedicated to elevating the Dalhousie Commerce Society to new heights and creating a lasting impact within and beyond our academic community.

Collaboration, Connection and Community are three words that hold so much value; three
words that have enabled me to have such enriching experiences while at Dalhousie, and three words that capture where my efforts will be focused if elected VP External of DCS.

My name is Leahnae Morton-Richardson and I am a third year accounting major from Bermuda.
I truly value fostering relationships and building community. In my free time, I volunteer as a
university mentor with Longtail Learning, an initiative committed to giving Bermudian high school students access to educational support at no cost. This spirit of giving back is at the heart of VP External.

Moreover, I have excellent communication skills which I believe make me a strong candidate. I
enjoy public speaking and often present at my church, for school projects, and I have
successfully participated in DCS Case Competitions. I have also had opportunities to engage with external stakeholders through previously held leadership positions and my client serving internships with EY. This will allow me to confidently communicate with corporate partners and society colleagues to create meaningful initiatives for you, the students.


I am also very organized and can effectively manage competing priorities and the
responsibilities of VP External. I interned at EY during busy season, while working on two
complex audits. I was consistently described by my team as hard-working and reliable, and I will
apply this same work ethic if elected.
It would be an honor to be your VP External for 2024/2025!

Hi everyone! My name is Elise Malicki, I am a third-year International Business major, and I am running for VP External with the Dalhousie Commerce Society. This position focuses on alumni relations, charitable connections, and events as well as managing corporate relationships and sponsorships.


Networking, communications, and critical thinking make me a strong candidate for this position. My previous co-op term I was working as a Marketing Assistant for BoyneClarke Lawyers LLP, a law firm in Dartmouth. Here I was constantly working at sponsorship events and representing the firm. I have attended Halifax Chamber of Commerce events representing our firm and acquiring future contracts with small business owners. I am also experienced with reviewing sponsorship packages for the firm. I know what specifics I should look for when deciding whether to accept or re-negotiate proposals. The role of acquiring new sponsorships and managing existing relationships is one I am already familiar with and is a key role of the VP External position. 


You want someone with expertise in this role, who has drive and passion, and who will work towards giving you opportunities to have your voices heard. I want to make the next year a great one, working on new ways to raise money for charities, and get all of you excited about being in Commerce at Dalhousie. I want to take your feedback and input and work together at having charitable events that you want to see. I am excited at the opportunity the 2024/2025 year can bring! 

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Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building, Suite 2053 University Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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The Dalhousie Commerce Society recognizes that we are in Halifax, or Kjipuktuk, in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and traditional lands of the Mi’kmaq people. We acknowledge the Peace & Friendship Treaties signed in this Territory and recognize that we are all Treaty People.

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